The DNC Speaks

The DNC Speaks July 26, 2016

So everyone is running around doing damage control for the DNC.  The press is joining the Hillary campaign by focusing on the Russian origin of the email leaks.  Bonus points will be awarded if they can link this to the Trump campaign.  The Trump campaign has so many problems and scandals it’s hard to believe another one would make a difference.  Nonetheless, it could hurt Trump if it turned out this was some coordinated effort.

And yet, there are those pesky emails and what they contain.  Not just making it clear that the DNC was clearly on the side of maintaining the power establishment for Hillary by running offensive line for the Clinton campaign and joining the media in hindering the Sanders camp.  That can’t be denied.  More faith than I can muster would be required  to read the emails any other way.

The real problem that the press is avoiding like the plague is those pesky emails that show DNC officials dropping Jew bombs or running atheist digs on behalf of the Democratic faithful, or worse, using racially insensitive terms to describe such things as Latino engagements.  Ouch.  Now, if you believe the media’s version of reality, where the world is divided into two neat sections of white, racist men in Red States, and the beautiful people who live everywhere else, this might be a shock.  After all, it’s Trump’s people who are your typical GOP racist.   But this is in the DNC, the Democrats, the liberals, the open, tolerant, inclusive, color blind and ethnically diverse party! Yep.  Let that be a lesson to us.  Take our marching orders from the Faith’s tradition, not laughably flawed and artificial political narratives.  Despite what some think, the Faith has never reckoned sinfulness or righteousness as being dependent on proper political allegiance.

Not that there won’t be repercussions.  To illustrate the shame and remorse over the anti-Bernie emphasis laced with stereotypical bigoted undercurrents, Hillary has displayed an almost unbelievable faith in the mindless devotion that the Democratic base has for her cause by rewarding the woman in charge of the DNC with a juicy position in her campaign.  That’s what’s known as a middle finger, in case anyone asks.  One I’m sure that the party elites will have a good laugh over around their campaign bar while snickering at all those little people who keep them in wealth and power.  And based on the coverage on the media today, none of this will matter anyway.   Turns out the first day of the Convention was awesome in every way.  So nothing to see here.

Us religious types might be wise to look past the media spin and the politically expedient dismissal of things that stand in the way of political progress.  We’re looking at two disastrous conventions, even if they are disastrous in different ways.  The core reason, from a religious perspective, is the same.

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