Jan. 5: Writing in the New Year

Jan. 5: Writing in the New Year January 5, 2013

The start of a new year may fill you with feelings of both anticipation and apprehension.  According to freelance writer Christina Capecchi, however, there is a simple and intellectually stimulating way to combat this anxiety: writing.

Christopher Award-winning author David McCullough, whom Capecchi cites, claims that of all the lost art forms of our present world, the loss of daily writing is the most unfortunate.

“The loss of people writing,” McCullough decried to Time magazine last year, “is not just the loss for the record.  It’s the loss of the process of working your thoughts out on paper…That [writing] was brain calisthenics.”

Capecchi echoes McCullough’s sentiments, adding that writing benefits spiritual growth as well: “We write to make sense of our lives and our world, to examine who we have been and who we hope to become.”

Take Capecchi’s advice and start this New Year’s off right—by writing, even just a little bit, each day.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you.  (Colossians 3:16)

Lord, may the words I write and speak help me grow in my love for You and my neighbor.

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