Mar. 30: Carry the Peace of God

Mar. 30: Carry the Peace of God March 30, 2013

Jesus is dead.  He lies in the tomb.  He died that you might live, proving His love for you to the last drop of His blood.

His request to you is to continue what He began.  He died for all.  He wishes to continue to live here in the souls of men and to carry on His work through your cooperation.

In His first appearance to His disciples after the Resurrection, Christ gave His followers the sublime and thrilling mission of bringing peace to the world: “Peace be to you!  As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

This was more than just a polite suggestion.  It was a solemn command to carry the peace of God to the whole world—that precious peace for which all mankind longs.

No greater support has been given any mission.  The whole of heaven is behind anyone who throws himself into the task.  That is a direct invitation and challenge to everyone.

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not

worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us.  (Romans 8:18)

Give me the strength, O Lord, to do my part in carrying

Your Son’s peace to all people.

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