Oct. 21: A Saint’s Life-Saving Help

Oct. 21: A Saint’s Life-Saving Help October 21, 2013

When kindergarten student Jake Finkbonner of Bellingham, Washington, fell during a basketball game, he bumped his mouth and suffered a small cut.  That was enough for “necrotizing fasciitis,” a flesh-eating bacteria, to invade his body.

Jake spent nine weeks in the hospital.  Several times, the doctors prepared his family for the boy’s impending death. All the while, his family, friends and the parishioners of Whatcom County’s three Catholic churches prayed for Jake’s recovery, specifically asking Blessed Kateri Tekawitha for her intercession.  Blessed Kateri was suggested as intercessor because she is the patroness for American Indians and Jake is of Lummi Indian descent.  When Jake was healed, doctors couldn’t explain why.

Five years later, following a rigorous investigation, the Vatican decreed Jake’s healing to be a miracle, which contributes to Blessed Kateri’s canonization as a saint on October 21, 2012. The now 11-year-old still bears the scars from his 29 surgeries, but he is healthy and active.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on

your own insight. (Proverbs 3:5)

Lord, through You, all things are possible.

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