“Fear to tread”

“Fear to tread” January 18, 2015


Human mastery of science, by people who haven't mastered themselves
The light that will guide us onto the sunny uplands of pure reason


The disease, or disorder, or complex of disorders and/or diseases commonly known as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” is a battlefield.


Is the origin of CFS physical?  Or is it psychological?  Or psychiatric?  Or some combination of mental and physiological?


An article in the 17 January 2015 issue of the Economist reports on a controversial recent publication regarding the topic.


I won’t get into the details of the disputes, but I want to note that, according to the article, “Many researchers studying psychological or psychiatric causes of or treatments for CFS reported being harassed in person and online.  Some received death threats.”


This cannot be true, of course.  Religion is the cause of such things.  They don’t occur in science, which is dominated by pure, dispassionate reason.  When religion goes away, human strife will cease.



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