“Iraq’s decline into chaos traces back to 2011, not 2003”

“Iraq’s decline into chaos traces back to 2011, not 2003” May 23, 2015


Nazi Kultur
A Nazi book-burning in Berlin, in May 1933.
When ISIS took over the major Iraqi city of Mosul recently, one of its first acts was the deliberate destruction of the city’s public library — including roughly 8000 rare and valuable ancient manuscripts — by means of explosive devices,


This is an exceedingly important point:




And it’s important not merely as an academic historical issue.  It sheds valuable light on one of Mr. Obama’s most vital foreign policy results — and on the judgment of Hillary Clinton, who was serving as his Secretary of State during the period in question.


Incidentally, you’re aware, aren’t you, that ISIS now controls half of Syria, as well?



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