A call to omit Shakespeare altogether from the English literature curriculum

A call to omit Shakespeare altogether from the English literature curriculum June 16, 2015


An old portrait of William Shakespeare
This man, one Will Shakspear of the old white European town called Stratford-upon-Avon, is traditionally regarded as the author of such Elizabethan-period white male poems and dramas as “Hamlet,” “Othello,” “King Lear,” “Julius Caesar,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Macbeth,” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” “The Tempest,” “The Merchant of Venice,” “Richard III,” “Henry V,” and the “Sonnets.”


At least, to eliminate him completely from the English literature curriculum for inner city youth and/or people of non-European ethnicity:




Mark you that the call isn’t merely to cast the net widely, to read Shakespeare along with works from different periods and different backgrounds.


No, it’s to jettison Shakespeare altogether, because he’s old and dead and white and difficult.


I can’t think of many more effective ways, academically speaking, to ghettoize young black students and other minorities.



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