Home again

Home again June 29, 2015


Pelican Hill, Newport Beach
I’m currently writing at an outdoor table situated just slightly, very slightly, out of this photograph, to the right.
Please click on the photo to enlarge it.
(Photo by D. Ramey Logan)


“Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk, a purple dusk over tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgundy red, the fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries.”

Jack Kerouac, describing a California sunset in On the Road


Like Antaeus, who regained his strength and was healed by touching the earth, I need, from time to time, to come home to California.  I think that I’ve only once gone more than a year without spending at least some time in my native state, and that was during my mission to Switzerland.  (If I had to break the pattern . . .  well, Switzerland was about the best place I could find for it.)  One other time, not too long ago, I suddenly realized that December was coming and that I hadn’t been back yet that year.  I began plotting a visit to — if nothing else — somewhere just over the state line.  Providentially, though, a better excuse for a real visit suddenly arose, and I escaped the horror.


Azaleas, eucalyptus, the sea, cool oceanside summer evenings, and, in December, Christmas the way it’s supposed to be — with blue skies and palm trees.


Posted from Newport Beach, California



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