My lectures this year at BYU Education Week

My lectures this year at BYU Education Week June 28, 2015


Rumi ms. Walters
A manuscript of Jalal al-Din Rumi dating to AD 1663


These are the four lectures that I’ll be presenting this year at BYU’s Education Week (18-21 August):


Daniel C. Peterson
Traces of the Gospel in Four Great Islamic Classics
Assembly Hall, Hinckley Center (HC), 1:50–2:45 p.m.

Omar Khayyam and a World without Hope
Al-Ghazali on Gaining a Testimony
Th Jalal al-Din Rumi on Premortality and Our Yearning for God
Farid al-Din Attar, the Temple, and Ascending to God


Now, all I have to do is to actually prepare and present them!



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