New Testament 188

New Testament 188 June 28, 2015


Etching of Jesus by Rembrandt
“Christ Healing the Sick”
Rembrandt etching, ca. 1646-1650
(Click on image to enlarge it.)


Luke 11:14-23

Compare Matthew 12:22-30; Mark 3:22-27; John 7:20; 8:48, 52; 10:20


That some accused Christ of being in league with Satan says little about him.  Rather, it’s a tribute to the power of at least some human beings to call evil good, and good evil.


There is, in other words, nobody so kind, good, charitable, honest, well-intentioned, self-effacing, and sincere but what at least someone, somewhere, will condemn and hate him or her.


No, it’s not fair.


But this world is like that.


If Jesus himself couldn’t escape being pronounced Satanic — or, in modern, more secular terms, evil — nobody can.  When such treatment befalls us lesser mortals, we should, with his precedent in mind, simply do our very best and move on.



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