“We’re witnessing revival of slave trade in the 21st century”

“We’re witnessing revival of slave trade in the 21st century” July 7, 2015


Special Rep of UN Sec Gen
Zainab Hawa Bangura
Photo by Sheena Aryipala/DFID


Zainab Hawa Bangura, the special representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations for sexual violence in conflict, a devoutly Muslim native of Sierra Leone, reports on her recent visit to refugees from the conflict in Syria and Iraq:




The situation is horrific, and it must not be ignored.


I have to say, though, that, without in any way wanting to minimize the seriousness of what’s happening to my sisters under Islamist totalitarianism, I was a bit amused by Ms. Bangura’s description of the criminal violence of ISIS or the “Islamic State” as “essentially a war on women and girls.”


In fact, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the late comedian Mort Sahl’s 1988 prediction of how the New York Times headline would read if a giant asteroid were hurtling toward earth and expected to kill us all and end human history the next day:  “World to End Tomorrow; Women and Minorities Most Affected.”


ISIS is an affront to all of humanity — men, women, and children.


Posted from Carlsbad, California



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