“Bush, Rubio compete for ‘vital’ Mormon vote in Nevada”

“Bush, Rubio compete for ‘vital’ Mormon vote in Nevada” August 28, 2015



Sen. Sanders of Vermont
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Like Sominex, only without all the excitement.




Of course, this will all be irrelevant if the 2016 president election turns out to be Trump versus Clinton.


(What a depressing thought.)


Or Trump versus Sanders.


At least a Trump v. Sanders contest would have the advantage of being entertaining:  Boorish capitalist swashbuckler versus dull socialist apparatchik.  Obnoxiously outspoken ideological opportunist against colorless and obsolete ideologue.


If it goes that way, the presidential election will be decisive and irrefutable proof that God is angry at the United States.


Posted from Erfurt, Germany


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