Interpreter’s Third Birthday Party

Interpreter’s Third Birthday Party August 8, 2015


The newest book by Stephen H. Webb (with Alonzo Gaskill)
It’s officially due out from Oxford University Press on 31 August, but I already have a copy!


About seventy-five friends of The Interpreter Foundation gathered tonight for a birthday dinner celebrating the Foundation’s third birthday (which was actually a few days ago).


A high point for me, and I think for many if not all of those who were there, was a roughly sixty minute question-and-answer session (which I moderated) with the British Methodist biblical scholar Margaret Barker and the Catholic theologian and philosopher of religion Stephen Webb, who joined us for our celebration.


Great fun.  Very satisfying.


The Foundation is flourishing, and I’m deeply, deeply grateful to all those who have contributed in any way — whether in time, effort, or money.


This coming Friday will mark the 160th consecutive week in which we’ve published at least one article — to say nothing of Interpreter’s books, blogs, roundtables, and so forth.


Which reminds me of the confident prophecy issued more than two and a half years ago by a pseudonymous critic on a small, extraordinarily nasty, and mostly atheist ex-Mormon message board:


“By Jan. 1, 2014 Interpreter will be dead. . . .  Either totally dead or down to token ‘blog’ style postings.” (Bond James Bond, 25 January 2013)


His prediction appears to have been mistaken.



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