New Testament 248

New Testament 248 August 31, 2015


Siloam Silwan
The pool of Siloam is located near the modern Palestinian village of Silwan.
(Click to enlarge, twice to enlarge further.)


John 9:1-41

Compare Matthew 13:13-15; Mark 4:12; 8:17-18; Luke 8:10


This is a wonderful passage, and Latter-day Saints are well within their rights in regarding the first few verses as pointing to an assumption of human pre-existence.


Another quick observation:  Some object to Joseph Smith’s use of a “seer stone.”  It’s just a rock, they rightly point out.  Such derisive criticism makes a certain amount of sense coming from secularists.  But it comes awkwardly from evangelicals, in this sense:  If God can use mud mixed with spit to help a man see, why not a rock?


There’s a whole lot more that might be said, and should be said, about this wonderful episode and account.  Maybe at some future time.



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