There may be a scientific cure for your appalling religious and political beliefs!

There may be a scientific cure for your appalling religious and political beliefs! October 17, 2015


Nobama Ray Pistol TX-130
Advisors to the 2012 Mitt Romney campaign proposed to equip their volunteers with thousands of these “Nobama TX-130” ray gun pistols, which would have induced Democratic voters to stay home on Election Day eating pizza and playing video games. But Governor Romney flatly rejected the plan, and the rest, unfortunately, is history.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Do you worry about illegal immigration and porous borders?  Do you believe in God?


For centuries, people have had to suffer under such ghastly burdens.  But there’s good news!  A medical cure may be on the horizon!


“Scientists claim zapping brains with magnets can treat belief in God”


This article, written by the statistician William Briggs and kindly brought to my attention by Charles Steinman, points out a few of the problems in the study under consideration.


But I have some additional reservations.


How, for example, are we to distinguish the shutting down of “certain groups of neurones” from (hopefully temporary) brain damage?


And does anybody else out there feel at least a tiny bit uncomfortable with an attempt to change human opinions by means of magnets (or any other sort of technology)?


What if we can find a scientific cure for voting Democratic?  What if atheism can be medically treated?  Can we use aversion therapy to decrease the sales of books by Richard Dawkins?  Would my blog attract more readers if I could aim a giant ray gun at Los Angeles?  If so, should I do it?


This is a bizarre item.  And I’ll be really surprised, along with Dr. Briggs, if it holds up.



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