“Trinitarians admitting to Trinity being illogical and irrational”

“Trinitarians admitting to Trinity being illogical and irrational” November 26, 2015


Pencz, Holy Trinity
Georg Pencz, “Holy Trinity” (1530s, Poland)
Wikimedia Commons, public domain




I’ve been struck in the past, and reminded of it again during this visit to Spain, by the frequency with which members of the Trinity have been depicted corporeally in Christian art — with the Holy Spirit represented by a dove, of course, and the Son being predictably shown as a human, but also with the Father portrayed in corporeal, anthropomorphic form, usually (as above) as an elderly man.  Artists have to show something, of course.  But pictorial representations of God the Father seem pretty clearly to contravene established mainstream doctrine.  (Bully for the artists, say I.)


Posted from Madrid, Spain



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