National Public Radio: “What it’s like to be a Muslim in Idaho”

National Public Radio: “What it’s like to be a Muslim in Idaho” April 25, 2016


Pocatello Institute of Religion
A large Latter-day Saint Institute of Religion stands adjacent to the campus of Idaho State University in Pocatello,  (


I was in Idaho Falls a few weeks ago for a Mormon/Muslim dialogue.


My Muslim counterpart for that dialogue was a professor at Idaho State University, in Pocatello, Idaho.


I believe that he told me that the majority of the anti-Muslim activity in Pocatello (to the fairly limited extent that any occurs) comes from one particular Evangelical church there — a church that is also, in my experience, rather vocally anti-Mormon.  (Big surprise!)  I think that I remember what he said correctly.  And, if I do, I hope that it’s true.  And, if it’s true, I wish that it had come out in this interview.


I would like to think that Mormons, of all people, shouldn’t be prone to bigotry — and certainly not to hatred — against unpopular religious minorities.  We do, after all, have a bit of history with that sort of thing.


Posted from Amman, Jordan



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