“Trump’s Virtual Lynch Mob”

“Trump’s Virtual Lynch Mob” April 13, 2016


Nürnberger Parteitag zirka 1933
A large and enthusiastic political rally in Nuremberg, Germany, around 1933
(Wikimedia Commons)


Those who’ve been paying attention are aware of the violent thuggery that has surrounded some Trumpist rallies, as well as of the Leader’s encouragement of such violence and his offers to pay any legal expenses (should such arise) incurred by the thugs.


And now there’s this.


I find Trumpism repulsive and deeply troubling.  And the parallels to the rise of fascism in 1920s and 1930s Europe are, to me, impossible to ignore. I’ve spent a lot of time in Europe and have paid close attention to the origins, nature, and character of Nazism and Italian fascism.  Moreover, being well acquainted with many Europeans and with European culture, I’ve never harbored the self-flattering illusion that Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco represent something unique to the European psyche . . .  or that “it can’t happen here.”


Mr. Trump boasts that he’s bringing new people into the electoral process.  Probably so.  Still . . .   Call me undemocratic if you please, but, frankly, some of these folks seem to be the kind of people that I would prefer not to involve in American elections.  I certainly don’t want them to take control of the Republican Party.


P.S. — Here’s one of my absolute favorite political commentators on the controversy surrounding the Republic delegate selection in Colorado, about which Whining Donald has been so vocal:





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