“Zero, Zilch, Nada”

“Zero, Zilch, Nada” June 30, 2016


TV in the 50s
Patriarch, dutiful homemaker wife, and children gather in front of the family entertainment center to watch a Hillary Clinton presidential advertisement. (Wikimedia CC public domain)


His ability to use flamboyance and outrageous remarks in order to gain free on-air time is, without question, stunning.  He dominated the primary news cycles and sucked all of the oxygen out of the room for his Republican rivals.


Whatever his weaknesses as a businessman and whatever the manifest defects of his character and personality, and despite his obvious weaknesses as a potential president, he is a consummate and well-practiced reality-show performer.


Will that be enough in the general election?  Will he once again defy conventional wisdom and cruise to victory without running a traditional campaign, without buying television and radio ads?


Is that what he’s trying?




Posted from Amsterdam, The Netherlands



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