BOM Alma 55

BOM Alma 55 July 28, 2016


The beach at Crystal Cove
Crystal Cove State Park is within (not quite easy) walking distance of where we’re staying, just south of Newport Beach proper.  (Photo by Darealclub at German language Wikipedia)


My comments yesterday about Moroni and Plato’s “auxiliaries” were also meant to apply to today’s reading, Alma 55.


Beyond that point, a couple of simple observations specifically targeted for today:




Some Latter-day Saints — particularly of past generations — have claimed that “wine” in the scriptures simply means “grape juice,” not a fermented beverage.  They’re obviously trying to defend the Word of Wisdom as a perennial commandment, which seems to me plainly unsustainable and quite unimportant.  However, that claim cannot be true of the wine mentioned in this chapter, any more than it really fits John 2:1-11 (where the clear implication is that the cheaper wine is served last, when the guests are no longer able to tell, or interested in telling, the good stuff from the lower quality stuff) or other passages in the New Testament.




You may recall the old maxim, that generals are “always preparing for the last war.”  That is, caught by surprise by some innovation in the most recent conflict, they take steps to deal with it — only to be surprised by a new innovative weapon or strategy in the next conflict.


You see the Lamanites doing that here:


In 55:4-24, Moroni uses wine as a weapon to get the Lamanite guards intoxicated and, thus, render them defenseless.  In 55:30-32, the Lamanites adopt the same tactic, but without success.


In previous chapters, Moroni has devoted a lot of his time and energy and resources to fortifying Nephite cities.  This surprised and frustrated the Lamanites.  So, in 55:33, we see them fortifying the captured city of Morianton.


Posted from Newport Beach, California


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