“Does Donald Trump Have a Path to 270?”

“Does Donald Trump Have a Path to 270?” August 31, 2016


The White House, across the south lawn.
(Wikimedia Commons photo by Daniel Schwen)
Like it or not, we need to get used to hearing the phrase “Madame President.” Personally, I’m fine with a woman as president. In fact, it will be the best thing about her election, just as the one thing that cheered me up about Mr. Obama’s election was the fact that he’s black. I just really, really, really didn’t want THIS woman to be president. But the Republican Party decided to oppose the second most unpopular major-party presidential nominee in living memory with the MOST unpopular major-party nominee, thus virtually guaranteeing the return of Clinton Inc. to the White House.


If you have the time, here’s a cool, objective, and methodical analysis of Mr. Trump’s prospects in the Electoral College:




Bottom line:  They’re not good.


Whether you love him or loathe him, Mr. Trump will almost certainly lose in November.


In the meanwhile, if you want to read something that wasn’t quite as predictable as a Donald Trump loss, here’s a piece about the apparent anti-Semitism of the anti-Mormon CEO of Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign, the seemingly rather unpleasant Stephen Bannon.



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