“Fifty Years Ago Today: The Last Beatles Concert”

“Fifty Years Ago Today: The Last Beatles Concert” August 31, 2016


Beatles 64
The Beatles in New York City (February 1964)
Wikimedia Commons public domain


I’m two days late with this:




But I don’t want to let such a culturally significant date go completely unmentioned.


It’s always saddened me that I never saw the Beatles in concert.  I did see B. B. King; the Rolling Stones; the Byrds; Cream; Iron Butterfly; Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young; and a lot of others.  “Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven!”


Still, though, I wish I’d seen the Beatles.


Of course, particularly from that Stones concert, I can understand why the Beatles gave up live performances:  The noise around me there in Long Beach was deafening; teenage girls on every side screamed through the entire concert, probably not hearing a word Mick Jagger sang .  (I don’t get it.  I didn’t get it then, either.)


And when John Lennon was murdered, I realized that a significant part of my youth went with him, in a way.


Oh well.



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