Fear and loathing in the age of Trump

Fear and loathing in the age of Trump October 17, 2016


A glorious day in Pyongyang
In well-managed countries such as North Korea, the State ensures that the news media only tell the truth and are loyal to the Dear Leader and to the Fatherland.  (Wikimedia Commons)


Many, many thanks to Rodney Ross for bringing to my attention this eloquent editorial by Mi-Ai Parrish, the president of the Arizona Republic, which, a short time ago and for the first time in its 125-year history, has endorsed a Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States.


Ms. Parrish writes about the distasteful response to the Republic’s editorial position:




I salute her and her editorial board for their integrity and courage, and I declare my contempt for the cowardly and fascistic little bullies who have threatened them.



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