Science as oracle?

Science as oracle? January 15, 2017


Mojave Desert and Milky Way
The Milky Way above California’s Mojave Desert  (Wikimedia Commons)


Some treat science as if it were a sort of infallible oracle, like a divine revelation–or if not infallible, at any rate such that when it comes to fixing belief, science is the court of last appeal. But this can’t be right. . . .  science doesn’t address the topics where we most need enlightenment: religion, politics, and morals, for example. Many look to scientists for guidance on matters outside of science, matters on which scientists have no special expertise. They apparently think of scientists as the new priestly class; unsurprisingly, scientists don’t ordinarily discourage this tendency. But of course a scientist pontificating on matters outside her field is no better than anyone else pontificating on matters outside her field.

Alvin Plantinga, Where the Conflict Really Lies



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