Statehood for Hokkaido!

Statehood for Hokkaido! January 20, 2017


Hokkaido map
The second largest island of Japan  (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


I found this article extremely interesting:


“How East and West think in profoundly different ways”


Heck, I think it may even help to explain something of the difference between the eastern and western United States.


While I’m at it, I’ve long thought that, should Québécois separatists ever succeed in seceding from Canada, the western provinces — at least British Columbia and Alberta, and maybe some of the others — might as well join up with their southern neighbor.  After all, there’s no really dramatic difference between Washington and Montana, say, and the areas immediately above them.


But now, it seems, maybe we should invite Hokkaido into the Union, as well!



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