Random Thoughts on the Passing Political Scene

Random Thoughts on the Passing Political Scene February 22, 2017


It grows dark over Honolulu, Hawaii
Dusk over Honolulu (Wikimedia Commons)


It’s time to clear out of my files some of the political items that I’ve marked over the past month, before they become completely obsolete.


Here’s an article from nearly a month ago (before, for example, the sudden fall of Michael Flynn) on a subject that still bears watching:


“Bannon Is Given Security Role Usually Held for Generals”


And another, also on Steve Bannon:


“Steve Bannon Carries Battles to Another Influential Hub: The Vatican”


I find Mr. Bannon’s rise to power quite worrisome.


Meanwhile, about two weeks ago, a major talent with lots of experience was deliberately excluded from Mr. Trump’s foreign policy team:


“Trump nixes Elliott Abrams for State Department job”


And there’s this, from a while ago:


“The Right Can’t Defend Trump’s Behavior”


And this:


“The Trouble with Nationalism”


And, although I’ve voted for him and although I liked him when I’ve spoken with him (including that meeting with Utah Muslim leaders two or three weeks back), I do worry:


“Does Jason Chaffetz understand his job?”


And here’s an item from The Onion:


“Trump Accuses Media of Not Reporting Voices He Hears in His Head”


In fairness to Mr. Trump, though, as an alert reader informed me a few days ago, The Onion is a satirical publication.  Which means that its reporting may not be 100% accurate.  Who knew?


Finally, lest the Trumpists out there accuse me yet again of never seeing anything positive in the actions and words of President Donald J. Trump (the lineal successor to General Washington, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Lincoln, General Eisenhower, and Mr. Reagan), let me point out again that I’m extremely enthusiastic about his nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and that his new national security advisor, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster seems to be precisely the kind of soldier-scholar whom I hold in extremely high esteem.


And President Trump hasn’t yet appointed Milo Yiannopoulos to any high position in the federal government.  That has to be reckoned to his credit, doesn’t it?


Posted from Honolulu, Hawaii






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