“Archaeologists Reconstruct Face of Medieval Man Who Died 700 Years Ago”

“Archaeologists Reconstruct Face of Medieval Man Who Died 700 Years Ago” March 24, 2017


The UK's second temple
The Preston England Temple, one of a number of holy places worldwide where sacred work is performed for our departed brothers and sisters.  (LDS Media Library)


I found his face arresting.  This could have been somebody I might meet on the street today.  I think it’s helpful to realize that pre-modern people were very much like us.  They were — they are — our brothers and sisters:




Curiously, this article caused me to think of the great work of the redemption of the dead.  This was a man, like all of his contemporaries, for whom Christ died.  Not merely an abstraction, but a real person, with loves, hopes, fears, and enormous value.



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