“The Witness of Women”

“The Witness of Women” March 23, 2017


Gorka's Emma
“Emma Smith, the Elect Lady,” by Theodore S. Gorka  (LDS Media Library)


Last night, I finished reading a nice collection of accounts, edited by Janiece Johnson and Jenny Reeder, titled The Witness of Women.  It’s an enjoyable book, containing testimonies and accounts from Mormon women, mostly of the nineteenth century.  These are voices that are often overlooked but shouldn’t be.  (It’s astonishing, by the way, that I hold that view, since, according to several anonymous online critics, I’m profoundly misogynistic.  I’ll leave that paradox for others to figure out, I guess.)


I haven’t yet seen the volume At the Pulpit: 185 Years of Discourses by Latter-day Saint Women, an anthology of sermons edited by Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook.  I don’t know that it was consciously intended as a sort of companion volume to The Witness of Women, but it certainly seems to work that way and I’m looking forward to reading it.


You might also find this of interest:


“Interview with Janice Johnson and Jennifer Reeder, Authors of The Witness of Women”



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