“Bill Nye’s View of Humanity is Repulsive”

“Bill Nye’s View of Humanity is Repulsive” April 29, 2017


Maybe because he's such a spectacular specimen of the nerd?
“Bill Nye, the Science Guy” (Wikimedia CC public domain image)


Bill Nye reminds me of the Kardashians or, from an earlier era, the now largely-forgotten Paris Hilton:


His prominence (or notoriety) seems untethered to any actual achievement or merit or genuine significance.  In this particular case, he’s not a deep thinker.  He’s not a scientist.




And I really, really, really hate bow ties.  Why don’t the people who wear them follow things to their logical conclusion and put on red, bulbous clown noses, too?  And maybe little hats with propellers on top?



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