“How the BYU Honor Code may help prevent sexual assaults”

“How the BYU Honor Code may help prevent sexual assaults” April 13, 2017


Summer at BYU
Summertime on the BYU campus (Wikimedia Commons public domain)


Over the past year or two, there has been considerable controversy about BYU’s Honor Code and, at the same time, about BYU’s treatment of victims of sexual assault.  The Salt Lake Tribune very recently won a Pulitzer Prize for its reportage on the subject.


Some have seen in all this a glorious and very welcome opportunity to bash the University and its sponsoring church, to denounce Mormonism for its patriarchal and puritanical oppression of women, for its ridiculous obsession with restricting free sexual expression, and so forth.


All of this was — is — quite predictable.


However, Hal Boyd of the Deseret News has written an important and interesting article on the subject:





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