
Tonight November 6, 2017


On the river in Dublin
In Dublin, looking eastward from the Sean O’Casey Bridge
(Wikimedia Commons)


I’ve written previously about the rebooted film Joseph Smith, American Prophet:


“Defending the Faith: ‘Joseph Smith, American Prophet’ shares story of Restoration, to air on PBS”


For those of you who haven’t managed to see it yet, or who would like to watch it again, there will be an opportunity to view the film tonight on KBYU-TV.  I’ve seen it listed for 8 PM, Utah time, but it seems that the correct schedule puts it at 9 PM.


“‘Joseph Smith: American Prophet’ to air on KBYU in coming weeks”




Those who believe that “Utard” or “Mormondumb” is a Morgbot- or Mor(m)on-induced hell on Earth may still be able to take a little of comfort from this article:


“Happy Valley? Despite depression and suicide rates, Provo named 7th happiest U.S. city”


However, the author suggests an interesting perspective on possible reasons for Utah’s apparently high rates of depression and suicide:  Could one or both be, at least partially, the result of variations in reporting or record-keeping?




Another item on the Sutherland Springs massacre:


“In the Face of Evil, Prayer Is the Most Rational and Effective Response”




Here’s a hot item from Russian news:


Mormons Buy Russian "Dead Souls" for Afterlife Polygamy - Russian TV News'>American Mormons Buy Russian ‘Dead Souls’ for Afterlife Polygamy – Russian TV News”


High quality reporting at its finest.  I thought some of the Actual Photographs of Authentic Mormon Churches used to accompany the story were an especially fine touch.




A bit more on the religious liberty front:


“‘Not Welcome Here’: Alexandria’s Christ Church Bans George Washington; Oxford University Fair Bans Christianity”


“‘Defend divinely inspired freedoms,’ says LDS apostle in Los Angeles symposium”




Here’s an interesting essay from one of the most interesting writers at the Deseret News:


“Mormonism’s resolution to one of the Reformation’s most vexing riddles”




My friend and colleague Ralph Hancock calls my attention to this 2012 piece.  Much has changed since then, but some of it is still it interesting (and some of it is just wrong):


“Mormonism and America”




It seems that poor Stephen Smoot has used his enforced exile in the frozen tundra of Our Neighbor to the North to pick up some pretty good Spanish.  It’s on display in this video, evidently recorded within an unusually civilized Canadian igloo:


¡Evidencia arqueológica encontrada del Libro de Mormón!”




And, finally, one of the brightest (and most energetic and prolific) Mormon thinkers I know — Robert Boylan, of Ireland — is looking for new employment.  He relates that he would even be willing to relocate to the United States, if a suitable job offer came through:


“Personal Post: Looking for Employment!”


He’s trained in theology and anthropology, has four years of background in medical accountancy and billing, and is seeking some sort of clerical position.



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