Whatever happened to loyalty?

Whatever happened to loyalty? June 19, 2012
Loyalty is a trait that is in short supply these days. It wasn’t that long ago when companies displayed their commitment to employees through good benefits, long employment and security. Years of mergers, restructurings, and mass layoffs of seasoned career workers has made that concept almost quaint.
Employees aren’t loyal either. Combined with uncertainty about job security, increased productivity demands and falling benefits, the loyal employee has sworn off his allegiance. Many wouldn’t think twice about jumping to another company if offered more money or better benefits. In fact, a recentsurvey said that more than one in three workers hopes to find a new job in the next twelve months. The Harvard Business School says, “Today, workers not only don’t expect to work for decades on end for the same company, but they don’t want to.”
Won’t you join the conversation today over at The High Calling, where I have an article called, “Forgotten Loyalty.” It’s sure to be an interesting discussion. 
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