“I Like Adoption”: this may be the most pro-life, pro-family video you will see

“I Like Adoption”: this may be the most pro-life, pro-family video you will see January 17, 2013

Take a few minutes and marvel at the Dennehy family below, in the short film “I Like Adoption.”


As you watch the story unfold, you see a family with a mixture of children the world would consider “normal” and those without limbs that many today would discard as a “burden”. To Michael and Sharon Dennehy, these children aren’t a burden but gifts that helped two parents understand their own God-given purpose in life—to give and to love.

“I LIKE ADOPTION” was just released by a fascinating new website called ILikeGiving.com.  The organization doesn’t ask for people to give money to them, but to, instead, give their action. In a narcissistic culture so obsessed with self, wealth and temporal gratification, this is counter-cultural. But there’s no guilt, no shame, no condemnation—just visual and written excellence delivering a simple message of the joy of giving.

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