Reservation for OBCs at IITs and IIMs: Supreme Court says NO!!

Reservation for OBCs at IITs and IIMs: Supreme Court says NO!! March 31, 2007

Whenever I have looked at the American "Democracy", I have thanked God (or whoever) that India is a BETTER democracy! One of the most foundational principle of a democracy is independence of the three branches: Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary, such that there are adequate checks and balances on each. Well.. US doesn’t even pretend to have the any modicum of that independence! Just as the last 8 years have amply shown – the Executive is the king and Legislature and Judiciary live at his pleasure.. literal pleasure!! In India, despite the rampant corruption in our judiciary, the Supreme Court has redeemed itself AND the country from several embarrasing and highly political sell-outs time and again! Here is Supreme Court intervening again.. and setting a proper legal context to this highly political debate…. but the Executive is not to be easily controlled.. however, THANK GOD Indian Cabinet does NOT have the purging powers that the US President has – if the Judiciary doesnt toe its line!!

Collage Clippings Source: Hindustan Times Epaper

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