On Blood Moon Prophets and Memory

On Blood Moon Prophets and Memory September 27, 2015

blood moonThere will be an interesting astronomical phenomena tonight and some Christians have gone quite mad. They have sold product and riled up the Church claiming that the “blood moon” is the start of “big things.” Some have gone as far as to say that the apocalypse is coming.

I believe in the possibility of prophecy. People I trust have given me insights into what God is saying, some with future implications, that were Biblical and came to pass. The Biblical test of a prophet is that what the prophet says happens (if it has future implications) or it is theologically and Biblically sound. The prophet is subordinate to the “college of prophets” in all places at all times in church history.

Sadly, there has also always existed a category of foolish people who have good intentions along with Elmer Gantry types with bad intentions who say “God says” when God did not speak. They move from place to place and person to person scaring people and sometimes selling worthless product.

They undermine the cause of Christ by bringing real spiritual gifts into disrepute.

Of course, not everyone who is “wrong” is a false prophet. Some hedge their bets and do not say “God said.” They use their position of authority to imply that “big things” are coming and conveniently this makes them a great deal of money. One cannot help but suspect the hype is connected to moving new product. They go from one crisis to the next one, one cheap book on Big News to the next, and one slyly implied prophesy to the next. Other people are just clueless exegetes making the Bible say any number of crazy things.

Let’s try something. If a preacher got “into” blood moons and nothing much happens by tomorrow that is out of the ordinary, let’s tag the person with a “blood moon” until they apologize. They should admit they were wrong and give all the money they made to a charity unconnected to their own ministry. They should also refrain from such predications in the future. They know they read the Bible . . . badly . . . in these type of cases. Sane Christian leaders should refrain from appearing with these false prophets, hucksters, or clueless exegetes.

The fear they have produced in some Christians is real. The scandal they cause in the church is real and the harm to our witness is real. Why keep appearing on platforms with them or giving them our money and time?

How many times are men like  John Hagee allowed to be wrong before we call him to account?

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