The Boorish Mr. Biden

The Boorish Mr. Biden October 3, 2015

Biden calls Christians homophobes.
Biden calls Christians homophobes.

Joe Biden picked the week Christians were killed in America for being Christian to declare every traditional Christian is a “homophobe.”

The Vice-President is not known for his timing, but he might want to pause and wonder if the rhetoric he is using is contributing to a culture of hate and fear.

Psychologically sound people can handle political rhetoric like this, but by now we know that both on the right and left, unstable people saturate in our hateful culture and then act on what they hear. Perhaps there is nothing we can do, maybe regular political rhetoric would set off the haters, but this was a bad weekend for Mr. Biden to pick to call traditional Christians names.

Christians are dead in Oregon.

It is hard to believe that if a Christian had just killed a group of Muslims in the United States that the Vice President would pick that weekend to attack traditional Islam. I hope he would not, though with Biden one cannot be sure. If some unfortunates have a mouth tied to a brain, saying whatever they think, Biden has a brain connected to his mouth. Put him with the Pope and his mouth will repeat what other mouths are saying and his brain will believe it. Apparently, placing the Vice-President with the HRC crowd made him move to those talking points and my guess is that he believed that as well.

Great timing.

Mr. Biden is not the only tasteless person running for President, but I hoped for more from him and we have a right to expect more dignity from the Vice-President of the United States. When it comes to his own family pain, he is capable of deep sensitivity. Apparently his charity does not extend to most of the world’s Christians. We are “haters” if we believe what Christians have always believed: sexual relations outside of a marriage between a man and a woman are wrong. Mr. Biden should have told the Pope . . . at least then Americans had not just been killed for being Christians on American soil. I bet he wasn’t courageous enough to call Pope Francis a homophobe to his face. Mr. Biden waited until His Holiness was safely back in Rome to be the boorish Mr. Biden.

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