Marks Nanos Interviewed on the Paulcast about “Paul within Judaism”

Marks Nanos Interviewed on the Paulcast about “Paul within Judaism” June 15, 2016

Over at The Paulcast (an excellent podcast on Pauline studies, if you aren’t subscribed, why not!) Kurt Willems interviews Jewish scholar Mark Nanos about the “Paul within Judaism” approach to the Apostle Paul.

Nanos’ interview is remarkable because it provides some insights into his intellectual journey into Pauline studies, he uses some interesting “Amish” analogies about what Paul was up to, and provides a penetrating critique of the “two covenants” view of Romans 9-11.

Here’s my summary of the Paul within Judaism perspective:

– Paul was Torah-observant.
– Jesus is for Gentiles not for Jews.
– Paul engages in a limited proselytism of Gentiles by making them monotheists who avoid idolatry.
– Jews are saved under the aegis of their own covenant.
– Paul doesn’t make Gentiles “Jewish” nor do Jews become “Christian” but each keeps their own identity.

If anyone can turn that into a TULIP, I’ll give them a free copy of one of my books.

Otherwise, the best episode of the Paulcast yet!

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