
JesusWeen October 12, 2011

Have you heard about the conservative Christians who are encouraging Christians to celebrate “JesusWeen” instead of Halloween? It may sound like it is a parody, but it isn’t.

What one has to understand in order to begin to make sense of this is that there are Christians who view negatively any event or holiday that is not focused on Jesus, and who actually believe in demons and the sorts of creatures that one might find people dressed as on Halloween.

A good example of this can be found in a recent post at Reflections from the Other Side, about how young-earth creationist Henry Morris tried to account for craters on the moon. Here’s what Morris wrote in his book The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth:

[T]he possibility is at least open that the fractures and scars on the moon and Mars, the shattered remnants of an erstwhile planet that became the asteroids, the peculiar rings of Saturn, the meteorite swarms, and other such features that somehow seem alien to a “very good” universe as God must have created it may have been acquired later. Perhaps they reflect some kind of heavenly catastrophe associated either with Satan’s primeval rebellion or his continuing battle against Michael and his angels.

The worldview of such Christian fundamentalists is scarier than any costume worn on October 31st, and results in more harm to the reputation of Christianity than the celebration of Halloween ever could.

Jim West shares a spoof of this proposed new holiday that Jimmy Kimmel made, featuring several JesusWeeners.

As for myself, I’m still hoping to find time to visit Goodwill and gather what I need to dress like the Doctor from Dr. Who. Which Doctor should I dress as, though?

The whole notion of a Christian version of Halloween made me think of the various depictions one can find around the internet of Jesus as a zombie. Here’s one example:

Presumably the appropriate Christian response to that is to depict Jesus as a slayer of zombies, and perhaps wear a costume along those lines…

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