One Soul Or Two?

One Soul Or Two? April 6, 2015

One Soul or Two

When I saw this graphic, I knew I had to share it. I actually raise this issue in a number of my classes, to highlight the difficult questions that are often simply ignored by those who use phrases such as โ€œlife begins at conceptionโ€ as though theyย were indisputable. Lifeย is present long before conception, and consciousness โ€“ if that involves a brain โ€“ is not there until well after. And so, far from being a clear-cut matter, the question of when we should speak of a โ€œpersonโ€ who has rights and so on, is ambiguous, and while we must draw dividing lines for legal reasons โ€“ as we do between adults and minors โ€“ those lines are drawn arbitrarily (some people are mature before they turn 18, and others remain immature even beyond that age).

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