Same-Sex Marriage and Opposite-Sex Divorces

Same-Sex Marriage and Opposite-Sex Divorces June 28, 2015

Heterosexual divorces and same-sex marriages

If those who are against same-sex marriages want to use the Bible to argue against such marriages, they will need to explain why they are taking only part of the biblical definition of marriage. And if they want to complain about the redefinition of marriage, they should focus on the redefinition that made marriage a temporary commitment. After all, opposite-sex divorces are much more common than same-sex marriages will ever be.

This quote from Kevin A. Wilson was part of a longer post on Facebook. I am grateful to him for permission to quote him here, as his point seemed meme-worthy. It highlights the fact that conservatives chooses very carefully which of the many things they consider sins to focus on, and how to focus on them. Some conservatives are indeed adamantly opposed to divorce. But even in their cases, you will note that there is no attempt to use the prohibition of divorce as a campaign platform, and no public cries for a change of legislation on this issue of the kind that we see them make in connection with same-sex marriage.

It is almost as if they do not actually care about following the teaching of Jesus, who not only spoke explicitly about divorce, but also about hypocrisy…

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