A Certain James F. McGrath

A Certain James F. McGrath September 11, 2015

A recent article by Robert Gagnon is the only occurrence on the internet of the phrase “a certain James F. McGrath.” In the article, Gagnon makes the unsubstantiated accusation that “liberal” institutions penalize conservative scholars for doing genuine research (the scare quotes are also his and also unjustified). Ironically, Gagnon teaches at a seminary which embraces his stance as well as that of others who disagree with him. In the Spring 2011 issue of the seminary’s magazine Panorama, one of his fellow professors wrote, “The faculty of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary disagrees about many important contemporary issues, such as homosexuality…” (p.3).

Gagnon apparently views the liberality of his own denomination and institution with disdain even while expressing himself freely without recriminations from them. In his article, Gagnon also refers to marriage equality as “unconstitutional.”

There is definitely an irony about Gagnon’s presenting himself as a defender of morality, while quoting something I said in a Facebook group without even seeking my permission to do so, never mind obtaining it. But perhaps that fits naturally with his view of sexuality as about the “Creator’s intentional design” and having no place for that modern liberal concern about equality, respect, and above all else consent.

I don’t think his article will do anything to persuade anyone to adopt his point of view – but give it a read if you want to see for yourself.



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