The Doctor Investigates Gravity Hill

The Doctor Investigates Gravity Hill March 6, 2016

I decided to take a drive with my son yesterday to two places that we had never been to. I had heard about the phenomenon of a “gravity hill” as a kid, probably via to the show Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. I found out some months ago that one such place is right near Indianapolis, in the vicinity of Mooresville southwest of the city. There are sites which give precise directions about where to find the right spot on Keller Hill Road, and they were easy to follow and made finding the place totally straightforward. You drive about a mile from IN-42, pass the big silo and then stop your car next to the largest tree on your right hand side. We followed the directions, stopped the car where we needed to, and put the hazard lights on. We put the car in neutral, and sure enough, the car started to roll uphill. Of course, it is an optical illusion, but a completely convincing and enjoyable one!

Gravity Hill IndianaFrom there, we drove the roughly ten minutes it takes to get to the new location of Who North America, now located in Colby, Indiana. I wore my Fourth Doctor scarf, and while shopping was tempted to buy a Seventh Doctor sweater vest, but in the end just bought a fridge magnet with the police call box door sign that is on the TARDIS.

WhoNA sign


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