The History of Afterlife in Sunday School

The History of Afterlife in Sunday School March 21, 2016

I’ve mentioned my Sunday school class at Crooked Creek Baptist Church on this blog on numerous occasions. But now I have a chance to invite you to sit in on a session, at least virtually. A couple that usually attends had to be absent yesterday, and we were due to cover a topic that one of them had requested. And so rather than just wait for them to return, they suggested that I record the class. And so, having done that, I thought I would share the video with you. If you enjoy it, let me know and I might start recording the class more regularly from now on!

The topic was the history and development of the doctrine of the afterlife in ancient Israel, Judaism, and Christianity. And so, while there is some discussion, a lot of the time is spent surveying how views developed and changed over time, from earlier texts in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, through Daniel, and into the New Testament.

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