
Islamophobin May 28, 2016

This week the Council on American-Islamic Relations decided to try a little humor with the introduction of a spoof medication called "Islamophobin" that seems sure to get more notice than CAIR's usual campaigns. Photo courtesy of CAIR
This week the Council on American-Islamic Relations decided to try a little humor with the introduction of a spoof medication called “Islamophobin” that seems sure to get more notice than CAIR’s usual campaigns. Photo courtesy of CAIR

This spoof product has its own commercial:

I’m not sure that anyone who is going on the trip I’m leading to Israel and the West Bank starting on this coming Monday suffers from Islamophobia. But sometimes prejudices and assumptions run deep even in those who may seem like they lack them and know better. I suspect that having daily interaction with a tour guide who happens to be a Muslim, and having a fellow Butler student who happens to be a Muslim on the trip, may both have a positive impact in increasing the understanding of and appreciation for Muslims that the various travelers have.

HT Muslimah Next Door


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