August 20, 2015

On More2Life Radio, we’ve been fielding a lot of questions about infidelity, emotional affairs, and so-called “work spouses.”  The topic has been especially hot with the news stories of hackers releasing the personal details of 32 million users of several popular adultery websites. In light of this, PsychCentral has an excellent article describing 8 signs that you, or someone you love might be having an emotional affair. Emotional infidelity is best understood as the tendency for a married person to... Read more

August 19, 2015

Major news agencies are reporting that hackers have fulfilled their promise to release the names of 32 million subscribers of a popular website whose motto is “Life is short, Have an Affair.” While it may be difficult for many to conjure a lot of sympathy for the people who have subscribed to these sites, I have worked with 100’s of couples who are fighting their way back from the pain of infidelity and I know that this latest development, while... Read more

August 19, 2015

  Sprout Phamaceuticals is touting the development of  a “female Viagara”, brand name Addyi (generic, Flibanserin). If it were a better drug, this could be a tremendous help to a lot of couples. Unfortunately, there are significant reasons for concern. The problem is that it is hard to argue that the very modest benefits of the drug (4.4 satisfying sexual experiences per month on the drug versus 3.7 satisfying sexual experiences without it) justify the risk of the significant side... Read more

August 18, 2015

Science endorses church attendance?!?  Atheists’ heads explode in 3…2…1… From the Washington Post A new study suggests that joining a religious group could do more for someone’s “sustained happiness” than other forms of social participation, such as volunteering, playing sports or taking a class. A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology by researchers at the London School of Economics and Erasmus University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that the secret to sustained happiness lies in participation in religion. “The church appears to... Read more

August 12, 2015

Today on More2Life Radio, we were blessed by a visit from Dr. Mary Beth Yount, the Director of Content and Programming at the World Meeting of Families.  In addition to telling our listeners about the event itself, she revealed the BREAKING NEWS that this year’s World Meeting of Families has over 15,000 people currently registered for the week long congress, making the 2015 World Meeting the highest attended World Meeting of Families ever! That number is expected to climb by... Read more

August 6, 2015

Spirituality is the heart of our your home.  Are you caring for your family’s “heart health”?  Here’s my latest article for Our Sunday Visitor’s Daily Take. Are you attending to your family’s heart health? Your family’s spiritual well-being represents the true heart of your family, the spiritual heart that pumps joy, meaning, and connection into your life as a family and as persons. Experts note that the degree to which your family shares a spiritual life actually predicts the degree... Read more

August 5, 2015

Check out the YouTube Video of the webinar Lisa and I did for Ascension Press titled, How to Raise Moral Kids in an Immoral World.  The good news?  You don’t have to be afraid of the culture, of your kids’ peers, or any other influence.  We’ll show you how to make sure your children open their hearts to the lessons you want to teach them about living a joyful, godly, moral life.  We hope you’ll be blessed by the steps... Read more

August 5, 2015

Today on More2Life Radio, Lisa and I revealed what our Catholic faith and the latest studies from positive psychology have to teach us about living more joyfully. Does God Want Us to Be Happy? A lot of Christians question whether God wants us to be be happy.  I’ve even heard people say, “God doesn’t want us to be happy.  He wants us to be holy.”  But as I argue in Broken Gods:  Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the... Read more

July 29, 2015

An Ascension Press Webinar with Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak On June 26th, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage. This decision makes it more important than ever to be able to confidently convey the Catholic vision of love, life, and morality to our children. The good news is that it’s possible to raise kids who can joyfully and willingly witness to Catholic values in every part of their lives—even when you aren’t breathing down their necks. Join Dr. Greg and Lisa... Read more

July 28, 2015

Your family’s spirituality is the heart of your home.  Do you know how to protect and nurture it? Are you attending to your family’s heart health?   Your family’s spiritual well-being represents the true heart of your family, the spiritual heart that pumps joy, meaning, and connection into your life as a family and as persons.  Experts note that the degree to which your family shares a spiritual life actually predicts the degree of  satisfaction you can expect from both... Read more

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