March 28, 2013

Recovering from addictions is a painful process.  It isn’t unusual for a serious addict to have to go through a treatment program 3 or more times before they can maintain sobriety.  One of the biggest challenges of recovery is changing your life and your social network after you get out of treatment.  If the addict keeps the same friends or stays in the same environment post recovery as he or she did before seeking help, there are just too many temptations. Comunita Cenacolo... Read more

March 27, 2013

Ok, now that I’ve got your attention, the study doesn’t say that… exactly.  But it does show that non-religious persons are much less willing or able to forgive themselves or others than religious people. …those who leave a religious tradition entirely (i.e., those who were religiously affiliated and no longer were at the time of the survey) are less likely to forgive themselves and others compared to those who stay in a religious tradition. What seems to matter in promoting... Read more

March 27, 2013

 Coming Wed:  Pray without Ceasing–As we prepare to enter into the Triduum, we bring all of our needs to the Lord and support one another in prayer. We’ll be taking your prayer requests and discussing the importance of prayer.  Call in with your prayer requests and comments on your prayer-life from Noon-1pm at 877-573-7825 Don’t forget to respond to our M2L Facebook Q of the D! Listen to More2Life live weekdays from Noon-1pm E (11am-Noon C). Can’t get M2L on a... Read more

March 26, 2013

CNN reports that in today’s session, Justice Kagan and the attorneys for Prop 8 had the following exchange. “Mr. Cooper, suppose a state said that, because we think that the focus of marriage really should be on procreation, we are not going to give marriage licenses anymore to any couple where both people are over the age of 55,” Kagan asked. “Would that be constitutional?” “No, your honor, it would not be constitutional,” Cooper answered. I’m so frustrated by Cooper’s... Read more

March 26, 2013

In the debate about the nature of marriage, many people wonder why we don’t just give marriage back to the churches. Well, in the first place, it’s gone too far for that.  Gay marriage advocates would never be satisfied with that option. More importantly though, the question is based on the false idea that marriage was invented by churches.  It wasn’t.  Marriage began as  a natural institution (men and women deciding on their own to make a lifelong committment to... Read more

March 26, 2013

The other day, I received an email from a young woman who read my post titled, Gay Marriage: Getting the Conversation Right.  Her parents divorced when her dad came out and she wanted me to know that they were all in a good place with it–and why couldn’t I be?  I have removed any identifying details, but I thought I would share our exchange as a way of illustrating the real challenge at the heart of gay marriage and why standing... Read more

March 26, 2013

Today, we join those in Washington, D.C. at the March for Marriage by celebrating the Gift of Marriage.  We’ll look at what makes marriage a blessing and offer great ideas for getting more from your relationship.  Call in with your questions about making your marriage great and your reflections about what makes your marriage a gift. 877-573-7825 Don’t forget to answer our FB questions of the day: (FOR MARRIED PEOPLE)  What’s the best thing about being married to your spouse? (FOR... Read more

March 25, 2013

Jesus says, “Love your enemies.  Do good to those who persecute you” (Matt 5:44).   As we begin this Holy Week, our focus turns toward the radical love toward which Jesus’ example calls us.  Today, we’ll look at the people who are hardest to love in your life.  We’ll examine what loving them really means, and explore ways to keep yourself safe while you do it. Call in with your questions about loving your enemies from Noon-1pm Eastern (11am-Noon Central) at... Read more

March 22, 2013

One dimension of the debate about what homsexual unions should be called is “What is parenthood?”  What are parents?  What is their function, exactly?  Who are the “best” parents and is there even such a thing? Family Scholars Blog is having an interesting discussion of that question.  The best contribtution IMO is by Laura Rosenbury, a Law Professor at Washington University in St Louis.  In sum, she says that the question, “What is parenthood?” is the wrong one.   Instead, we should... Read more

March 22, 2013

What’s in YOUR Basket?     As we enter into Holy Week and  get ready for Easter, we want to reflect on the virtues that help us rise up to live life as a gift.  We’ll look especially at the fruits of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, and Self-Control) and explore ways to increase the experience of these and other virtues in our daily lives. Do you have questions about being a more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind,... Read more

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