February 14, 2014

We all go through shifts in our faith, and sometimes they're radical shifts. It can be hard to survive these seasons of transition with our faith intact if we're not careful. As per the request of readership, here are my 5 key pieces of advice on how you can survive a Christian paradigm shift. Read more

February 13, 2014

We only have Jesus because someone decided to show love and mercy towards an illegal immigrant. Read more

February 12, 2014

As Jesus followers, we’re called to stand up to oppression and violence wherever we see it. Christian institutions who cover up abuse re-violate victims and become as guilty as the original predator– and they must be stopped, just as individual predators must be stopped. Read more

February 12, 2014

Today I take great comfort that Jesus came not for the people with their feet planted firmly on the shore, but for people like me who are often set adrift in the vast oceans of life-- and who have no island of their own to drift towards. Read more

February 11, 2014

When the people of Jesus reclaim the immigration discussion, we discover that immigrants should be able to move to any culture in the world and know that when they arrive, they'll find guaranteed allies in the Christian community... I don't know how things could get much clearer: if we're not radically caring for, feeding and clothing immigrants, Jesus says we're not really on God's side at all. Read more

February 8, 2014

As a Jesus follower, I want to be a part of the culture Jesus came to bring– the culture he so often calls “The Kingdom”. I want to be a part of a counter-cultural movement that radically changes the world– one that sees the will of God done here on earth, as it already is in heaven. One of the things that we often completely miss about scripture, is that the “next world” or “afterlife” is a pretty small blimp... Read more

February 6, 2014

Interesting fact: if you believe that Genesis is to be interpreted as literal, historical fact, you must also believe in evolution. Here's why: Read more

February 5, 2014

Pat did it again– he said something that was both reasonable and true all at the same time. In his final analysis of the Ken Ham debate, Pat now says in reference to Ken Ham’s version of young earth creationism: “There aint no way that’s possible… It’s time we come off of that stuff…  let’s be real– let’s not make a joke of ourselves”. He went on to say that: “just because we have progressive evolution under God’s control- that... Read more

February 5, 2014

Ken Ham wasn't the only person who lost something in the debate-- you and I lost too. As Jesus followers, he just made our job to create more Jesus followers more difficult because we must now convince people that his views are not simply a misrepresentation of science but a misrepresentation of what it looks like to be a Christian. Read more

February 4, 2014

As people who often find themselves on the margins of faith, it would be easy to just pack up and go "be" somewhere else. However, the key to the future rests in whether or not we can learn to be right where we're at, and bring change to American Christianity in a subversive, inside out and upside down way. Here are the three steps I think we need to take in order to help the next generation discover a new kind of Christianity. Read more

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