Peggy Campolo, Brian McLaren, My Granddaughter Amanda, and Me Having a Wild Time at Wild Goose!

Peggy Campolo, Brian McLaren, My Granddaughter Amanda, and Me Having a Wild Time at Wild Goose! July 14, 2015

Here’s Peggy Campolo, one of my most loved and favorite people with me at Wild Goose, and Brian McLaren and Amanda, my 22 year old granddaughter who is visiting from Finland where she goes to the University of Helsinki. Amanda is studying sociology and to put it mildly we had a great time. She’s been working on a project about USA mass incarceration of black men, so Amanda was thrilled at all the social justice projects at the festival… And here’s someone looking at the show of my art at the festival. Here’s Amanda with her new pals. And here’s one of my paintings that sold at the show of the “Falling Iris'”. If you were there you’ll know why WG was an event better than any you’ve been to, if not, you missed the most inspiring and happy 4 days of your life…

Who will step up and make Wild Goose into the national movement it MUST become? It’s not a festival but where we should all want to live. If you were there, you’ll understand why… 



Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

Available now on Amazon

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