Guess What Happened When Heavily Armed White Men Roamed the Streets of Ferguson

Guess What Happened When Heavily Armed White Men Roamed the Streets of Ferguson August 11, 2015

Now this NEWS ITEM from Daily Kos: Late Monday night/early Tuesday morning, a group of heavily armed white men calling themselves “Oath Keepers” showed up soon after police left and began patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri,

Guess What Happened When Heavily Armed White Men Roamed the Streets of Ferguson

Arrests? Ha!

Photo Credit: Twitter Photos from @JonSwaine & @Re_Invent_ed 

Not a damn thing.Late Monday night/early Tuesday morning, a group of heavily armed white men calling themselves “Oath Keepers” showed up soon after police left and began patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, guns and white privilege on full display. Mind you, peaceful protestors were arrested eight hours before this for simply filming the police and two reporters were just charged with multiple crimes for not leaving a McDonald’s quickly enough.

Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

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