ISIS has a mother: Bush’s invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia’s religious-industrial complex

ISIS has a mother: Bush’s invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia’s religious-industrial complex November 20, 2015

The West’s denial regarding Saudi Arabia is striking: It salutes the theocracy as its ally but pretends not to notice that it is the world’s chief ideological sponsor of Islamist culture. The younger generations of radicals in the so-called Arab world were not born jihadists. They were suckled in the bosom of Fatwa Valley, a kind of Islamist Vatican with a vast industry that produces theologians, religious laws, books, and aggressive editorial policies and media campaigns. … READ THE REST OF THIS VERY IMPORTANT ARTICLE HERE at the New York Times

Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

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